Economic environment

Hungary’s capital, Budapest is, due to its favourable geographic location, and its leading economic and political role in the region, an ideal place for a company to manage its regional presence.

It is no surprise that companies like Coca-Cola, Shell, Procter&Gamble and others have chosen Budapest as its regional headquarters. In the past 10 years, the country has undergone substantial changes, and by today it has a developed market economy, excellent infrastructure, banking and legal environment, which all attract foreign investors. As a result, more than 20 billion USD working capital has been invested in Hungary in the past 10 years. The country’s GDP has been increasing steadily and inflation shows a decreasing tendency.

Hungary has always been one of the leaders in software intelligence, and the highly trained Hungarian software engineers are sought after worldwide, which is key to our IT human resources leasing activity.


Areas of activity:

Central European
Headquarters: Budapest