
Our company is committed to sustainable development, including climate and environmental protection.

The Group's solar panels produce more than 7,600 MWH of clean energy per year, enough to power 3,000 Hungarian homes per year. At the same time, we have taken practical steps to save energy: when purchasing office equipment and IT tools, we take into account their energy consumption, giving preference to energy-saving devices in all cases.

We monitor the amount of paper used and try to minimise it.

The quality of life of our employees is important to us: we have chosen an "A" class office building, with bright offices, greenery and a shared terrace. There is bike storage in the office building. Our employees can choose among different sport and recreationqal possibilities at no or very low prices: tennis, padel, gym and massage.

Equal opportunities and diversity are important to us. We strive to include people with disabilities, older or younger employees, people starting their careers, returning mothers.

Registration number:
ISO 9001: 503/1266(5)-1185(5),
ISO 14001: KIR/204(3)-180(3)

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